1. 1976, Trasori radioactivi Hondol Certej
  2. 1976, Utilizare trasor Tritiu zona Turţ
  3. 1978, Utilizare trasori adioactivi Teliuc Ghelar
  4. 1980-1981, Cercetări cu trasori radioactivi, peştera Vântului, Munţii Pădurea Craiului
  5. 1982, Phenomenes de capture karstique dans la partie orientale des Monts Padurea Craiului
  6. 1984, Hydrogeological studies on Dâmbovicioara Passage
  7. 1984, Conditions hydrogeologique des bauxites du Răcaş
  8. 1985, Bihaviour of Indium as a tracer
  9. 1985, Hydrogeologi of Motru Sec-Baia de Aramă region
  10. 1985, Partial captures and diffluence surfaces
  11. 1985, Consideration on the hydrogeology of Vaşcău Plateau
  12. 1987, Natural and artificial tracers in the study of the karst
  13. 1987, Hydrogeological karst systems in Pădurea Craiului Mountains
  14. 1987, Hydrogeological studies of Moneasa area
  15. 1991, Hydrogeological map of Padurea Craiului Mountains
  16. 1991, Tracers investigation in Poiana Tecuri area
  17. 1991, Tracers experiments in the karst areas of Bihor Mountains
  18. 1993, Hydrogeological regional classification of the Romanian karst
  19. 1993, Microelements în underground water of the Romanian shore
  20. 1996. Harta hidrogeologică a Parcului Natural Apuseni
  21. 1996, Contributions to the hydrogeology of the karst areas in the Bihor Vlădeasa Mountains
  22. 1997, Karst terrains and major karst systems in Romania
  23. 1998, Hydrogeological researches for still vaters in Bihor Vladeasa Mountains
  24. 1998, Hydrogeological researches foe still waters in Codru Moma Mountains
  25. 1998-1999, Contributions to the hydrogeology of Poieni Plateau (Metaliferi Mountains)
  26. 2000, 50 ani de hidrogeologie la S.C.Prospectiuni S.A.
  27. 2000, Issues concerning the hydrogeology of karst areas in Romania
  28. 2000, Consideraţii privind stabilitatea chimică a apei unor izvoare din zona Stâna de Vale (Masivul Vlădeasa).
  29. 2000, The hydrogeology of Apuseni Mountains-A brief overwiev
  30. 2000, Karst hydrogeology and origin of thermal waters in the Codru Moma Mountains
  31. 2002, Stana de Vale. Izvorul Minunilor şi tunelul de transport al apelor plate
  32. 2002, Ebb and flow spring of Călugări. Special meeting of the IAH Council, Stâna de Vale, Romania.
  33. 2002, Special Meeting of the IAH Council. Stâna de Vale. Field excursion
  34. 2002, Issue concerning the hydrogeology of Stâna de Vale area
  35. 2003, Hydrogeological investigations of the Gârda Seacă-Ordâncuşa water divide territory (Bihor Mountains)
  36. 2003, Consideraţii privind hidrogeologia depozitelor carbonatice din Munţii Pădurea Craiului. Ecocarst 4
  37. 2003, Date meteorologice privind zona Gheţar, (com. Gîrda de Sus, jud. Alba), (partea I-a)
  38. 2004, Date meteorologice privind zona Gheţar, (com. Gîrda de Sus, jud. Alba), (partea II-a)
  39. 2005, Stabilirea influenţei carstului asupra scurgerii la Moneasa
  40. 2005, Intrinsic  vulnerability of Coteţul Dobreştilorkarst aquifer, Romania
  41. 2007, Utilizarea fluoresceinei ca trasor. Speomond 12.
  42. 2010, Karst Hydrogeology of  Romania (Table of contents)
  43. 2010, Carbonate deposits in Romania. Hydrogeological regional classification of the karst
  44. 2010, Short history of the hydrogeological investigations of the karst in Romania
  45. 2010, Hydrogeology of the Postăvaru Massif
  46. 2010, Hydrogeological study of Dâmbovicioara Passage
  47. 2010, The physiographic, geological and hydrogeological setting of the Apuseni Mountains
  48. 2010, Hydrogeology of the Pădurea Craiului Mountains
  49. 2010, Hydrogeology of the Upper watershed of Geoagiu river, (Metaliferi Mountains)
  50. 2010, Hydrogeology of Bihor Vlădeasa Mountains.
  51. 2010, Hydrogeology of the Codru Moma Mountains
  52. 2010, Călugări ebb and flow spring, (Codru Moma spring)
  53. 2010, Hydrogeology of the Poieni Plateau
  54. 2010, Hydrogeology of the Trascău Mountains
  55. 2010, Hydrogeology of the Rapolt crystalline limestones outcrop
  56. 2010, Bujorul ebb and flow spring, (Gilău Mountains)
  57. 2010, Stâna de Vale area. A laboratory for still waters (Vlădeasa Massif)
  58. 2010,  Carbonate hydrothermal reservoir from Moneasa, (Codru Moma Mountains)
  59. 2015. Groundwater dynamics of Beiuş Basin basement and its surrounding mountain areas
  60. 2016, Hidrogeologia carstului din Munţii Apuseni. Ediţia I-a. Cuprins
  61. 2016, Date preliminare privind dinamica acviferului termal din zona Felix-1 Mai, Bihor, Romania
  62. 2017, Dinamics of the Felix-1 Mai thermal aquifer (Bihor country, Romania), Nymphaea 44
  63. 2018, Head and temperature changes induced by Earth tide in Felix-1 Mai-Oradea thermal aquifer (Bihor, Romania)
  64. 2020, Hidrogeologia carstului din Munţii Apuseni